Beet deep processing production line according to the new technology to choose cost-effective equipment models, can produce beet natural pigment and other products.

Betalaine is a natural pigment extracted from the edible red beet (nori) of natural plants using water as the solvent. The main component of betesin is betesin, which accounts for 75%~95% of red pigment, and sometimes there are free betesin. Betaine also contains components such as betaine, isobetaine, and erythroside. Probeet betaenin is a pyridine derivative. Beet pigment is soluble in water but insoluble in oil. High yield and stable yield of edible red beet are achieved, and the cost of extracting beet red pigment from red beet is low. Because beet red pigment is a green food and does not contain any artificial ingredients, it is not only a rare natural pigment in today's gourmet processing, but also can be used in medicine and cosmetics. Beet red pigment is usually prepared by leaching, concentrating, drying, and finally obtaining the product.